The maturation of leukocytes arise from hemopoietic stem cells in the bone narrow. They are involved in pathogen recognition.
The main function of mature leukocytes is to defend the body against diseases.
Step-by-step explanation:
Pathogen is any organism or substance, specially a microorganism capable of causing diseases. For example: virus, bacteria, protozoa or fungi. The microorganism will only be considered pathogenic when its population has grown enough to cause a disease.
The leukocytes are a major component of the body's defenses.
They have a nucleus, are capable of motility and defend the body against infections and diseases by ingesting foreign materials and cellular debris, by destroiying infectious agents and cancer cells, or by producing antibodies.
A healthy adult human has between 4.500 and 11.000 white blood cells per cubic millimetre of blood. Variations on the amount can occur during the day.
An abnormal increase in white cell number is known as leukocytosis, whereas an abnormal decrease in number is known as leukopenia.
The count may decrease in response to certain types of infections or drugs or in association with certain conditions, such as chronic diseases like anemia and anaphylaxis.