El baño -- bañarse, ducharse, lavarse la cara, cepillarse los dientes, afeitarse
La habitación -- levantarse, acostarse, dormirse
Step-by-step explanation:
Here, we will be talking about rooms and which actions occur in both of the mentioned places.
El (the ) baño ( bathroom ) is a place where various activities occur on daily basis.
Bañarse, ducharse, lavarse la cara, cepillarse los dientes, afeitarse -- These are pronominal verbs and they are conjugated with reflexive pronouns ( reflexive pronouns are words that include words SELF and SELVES) All of the verbs belong to the same first group, as all of the mentioned verbs end in AR.
Bañarse -- ( to bathe, to take a bath )
Mia se baña todos los días después del gimnasio.
Mia takes a bath every day after gym.
Ducharse -- ( to shower, to take a shower)
Example: Me encanta ducharme porque es más rápido que bañarse.
I enjoy taking a shower because it's faster than taking a bath.
Lavarse la cara -- ( to wash one's face )
Es importante lavarse la cara después de quitarse el maquillaje.
It's important to wash your face after removing make-up.
Cepillarse los dientes -- ( to brush one's teeth )
A mi hermano no le gusta cepillarse los dientes.
My brother doesn't like brushing his teeth.
Afeitarse -- ( to shave oneself )
Los hombres que se afeitan la barba no son tan guapos
Men that shave their beard are not that hot.
La (the) habitación (bedroom) is a place where a person sleeps.
Levantarse -- ( reflexive of the verb, it means to get oneself up)
Mi papá se levantó de la cama cuando escuchó a mi mamá.
My dad got up from the bed when he heard my mom.
Acostarse -- ( reflexive of the verb, it means to put one to bed )
Usted se ha hecho su cama, y ahora tiene que acostarse en ella.
You have made your bed -- now you have to sleep in it.
* Dormirse -- belongs to the third group of verbs that end in IR. The verbs from this group are conjugated as follows:
Se durmió hace 10 minutos.
She fell asleep 10 minutes ago.
Some of other frequent verbs that belong to this group.
Despertirse -- ( to wake oneself up )
El bebé se despierte cada 3 horas.
The baby wakes up every 3 hours.