The answers appear below in bold type.
Step-by-step explanation:
The verbs are conjugated as indicated below.
1. Mi mamá compra un abrigo. Compra is the present indicative for comprar (third person singular).
2. Buscas tus gafas de sol. Buscas is the present indicative for buscar (second person singular).
3. Melissa sale a pasear en bicicleta. Sale is the present indicative for salir (third person singular).
4. Estaré en casa hoy. Estaré is the future indicative for Estar (first person singular).
5. Luis y Pilar suben las ventanas del auto. Suben is the present indicative for subir (third person plural).
6. Ustedes van a nadar en la piscina. Van is the present indicative for Ir (second person plural).
7. Los chicos se van temprano de la playa. Se van is the present indicative of Ir (third person plural).
8. Los turistas se ponen un impermeable en el hotel. Se ponen is the present indicative of Ponerse (third person plural).