The correct answer is
(b)-Chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acid.
(c)-Genes are located on chromosomes.
(d)Chromosomes are found in the nucleus.
Step-by-step explanation:
DNA coils around a protein molecule present inside the nucleus to form a compact structure called chromosomes. These histone proteins have a positive charge and it neutralizes the negative charge of the DNA.
By 1940 it was known by scientists that chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acids and chromosome carries the genetic material but at that time it was thought that protein part of the chromosome is the genetic material.
Then Hershey and Chase experiment in 1952 proved that DNA is the genetic material. Mendel first discovered that traits pass from one generation to another as separate factors. Later the word factor converted into gene in 1909 by Wilhelm Johannsen.
So by 1950, it was known that Chromosomes are made up of protein and nucleic acid, Genes are located on chromosomes, and Chromosomes are found in the nucleus.