Elements in the same period have same number of electronic shell and electron is increased by one in every coming element with in same electronic shell.
Step-by-step explanation:
Consider the second period of periodic table. This period consist of eight elements lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon.
Electronic configuration of lithium:
Li₃ = [He] 2s¹
Electronic configuration of beryllium:
Be₄ = [He] 2s²
Electronic configuration of boron:
B₅ = [He] 2s² 2p¹
Electronic configuration of carbon:
C₆ = [He] 2s² 2p²
Electronic configuration of nitrogen:
N₇ = [He] 2s² 2p³
Electronic configuration of oxygen:
O₈ = [He] 2s² 2p⁴
Electronic configuration of fluorine:
F₉ = [He] 2s² 2p⁵
Electronic configuration of neon:
Ne₁₀ = [He] 2s² 2p⁶
All these elements present in same period having same electronic shell and number of electron increased by 1.