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List five significant transformations the U.S. Underwent during the the period from 1800 to 1845. Write one descriptive sentence for each transformation. Each sentence must be a "complex sentence." This means that it will explain a paradox, a sequence, a cause and effect, or in someway demonstrate the complexity of the issue. You'll need to use a comma or two to accomplish this.

User Bnahin
6.9k points

1 Answer

3 votes


After gaining independence, the USA was the country with the most dynamic development. From 1820 to 1860, the country's share in world industrial production increased from 6% to 15%. A distinctive feature of the development of American industry was the noticeable role of European capital. This was due to the fact that high rates of economic development gave a high rate of return, as well as protectionist government policies (imports were subject to a 75 percent duty, which made import unprofitable).

Noticeable shifts have occurred in transport, which was especially important for a country with vast territories. Mainly, assets were invested in the construction of railways and canals; in 1807, the Fulton steamer appeared on the Hudson River (Robert Fulton patented the construction of the world's first steamboat); in the 1820s, intensive construction of canals began in the eastern states.

Political life in the USA was marked by the formation of a bipartisan system. In 1801, national Republicans (anti-federalists) came to power, with their ideological leader Thomas Jefferson; they held power until 1828, making efforts to strengthen democracy and the form strong central authorities.

In 1820, the Missouri compromise was passed - a legislative act of the US Congress (1820), officially dividing the border between the southern "slaveholding" and northern states, according to which the state of Missouri was accepted into the Union as slaveholding, and the state of Maine as free. The compromise of 1820 temporarily eased tensions associated with the problem of slavery; however, the establishment of clear geographical boundaries between slave and non-slave states created new contradictions.

The Monroe Doctrine, a declaration of the principles of US foreign policy, was proclaimed on December 2, 1823 by President James Monroe in his annual address to Congress. In continuation of the Monroe Doctrine, in the 1840s in the USA, the realization of this country's “special mission” (Manifest Destiny) finally developed: to develop the vast territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and to promote the free development of the abilities of millions of Americans - “to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." These views were shared by many philosophers, writers and scientists who considered themselves to be a part of Young America Movement.

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User Jcrshankar
6.3k points