Blue: Confused because it makes a think of something day dreaming or thinking/focusing on something else.
White: Focused because it is a dull color and doesn't show much to it, like what your emotion would be if you were focused.
Green: Neutral because it is one of the first colors people think of. For example, when I was younger my teachers would use behavior charts, where green was the starting color.
Turquoise: Tired because it is a faded and darker shade of another color, which resembles you are fading away or you are tired.
Yellow: Happy because it makes me think of the sun and it's bright.
Orange: Upset because green is normal to me, but orange is near red, meaning you aren't mad, but you are upset.
Red: Mad because when someone is feeling this their faces might turn red out of anger.
I hope this helps! Also, I added in other feelings, so I hope that's still fine. :)