Yo pediría ceviche. Los chefs aquí lo sirven picante y delicioso. El secreto: ellos compiten para preparar el mejor plato y midieron los ingredientes muchas veces. Mi mamá pediría sancochado. De postre, nosotras pediríamos suspiro limeño y siempre repetimos.
Yo (pediría) ceviche. Here, the verb form "pediría" is the conditional tense of the verb "pedir," which means "to ask for" or "to order." In this context, it's used to express a polite suggestion or recommendation.
Los chefs aquí lo (sirven) picante y delicioso.
The verb form "sirven" is the third person plural of the present indicative tense of the verb "servir," which means "to serve." It indicates the chefs serving the ceviche as spicy and delicious.