My research interest area is critical thinking. I could use a one-way Manova to analyze results from a study to determine whether critical thinking ability impacts academic performance, intellect and emotional capacity. For this study the variables would be as follows:
Independent Variable (the variable being assessed for effect on the dependent variable): critical thinking training (measured on a nominal scale) among three categories of participants – high school freshmen, high school seniors, and college seniors. These categories were selected because they each mark key transitional points in a students’ mental and emotional development as they prepare for post-school life.
Dependent Variables
DV1 : academic performance (measured on a continuous scale using student GPA scores)
DV2 : Intelligence (measured on continuous scale using IQ testing instruments)
DV3 : Emotional intelligence (measured on a continuous scale by using prepared EQ testing instrument)
The three dependent variables are somewhat correlated because they measure different aspects of a human being’s capacity to intake and process information. This in turn has implications for life management i.e., an individual’s ability to cope with life experiences.