QUESTION 5, the right option is c. when ejected volcanic rocks stream down the sides of volcanoes powered by hot expanding gas
QUESTION 6, the right option a. A description of how explosive it was.
QUESTION 7 b. Magma is melted rock beneath the surface, while lava is melted rock on the surface.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Unlike explosive eruptions, effusive eruptions occur when magma reaches the surface and gently spills on the sides of the volcano. As dissolved gasses expand escapes easily prompts lava flows downhill.
- The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) measures the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption taking into account the amount of pyroclastic material, including the explosion height as well as its duration.
- Magma refers to molten rock stored in a chamber inside the earth's crust when it reaches the surface through a vent, it is called lava. Thus, their main difference is a matter of location.