Brittle materials:
Brittle materials are those material which does not shows any indication before failure.It means that they break suddenly without showing any indication.These materials have zero ductility.
Ex :
1.Glass is the very common example for brittle material and in our house we can easily see that when ever glass fall on the floor it breaks in very small pieces.
2. Metal objects are made from metal they behave as brittle like cast iron.
3. The another familiar example in our house for brittle material is dry clay.
Ductile materials:
Ductile materials which shows a indication before fracture.It have a range ,within this range they did not fail.The ability of material to draw into wires is known as ductility of that materials.
Ex :Those object are made from carbon steel,gold,silver etc.
Elastic deformation :
To regain the original shape after removal of load is known as elastic deformation.
Ex: The familiar example of elastic deformation is rubber band ,when we apply a force on the rubber band then it goes under the deformation but after removal the load come back on the original position.