Step-by-step explanation:
First, let's define what are the concepts of exportation and importation :V
Importation: the bringing of goods or services into a country from abroad for sale. // the introduction of an idea from a different place or context
Exportation: the act of send (goods or services) to another country for sale // spread or introduce (ideas and beliefs) to another country.
- "Colby lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan"
Import: The videogame was not produced in the U.S., therefore an importation should have been made in order to bring it to him
- "Veronica lives in Tennessee and buys an orange grown in Florida"
Neither: The production of the orange was completely made in florida, which is in the U.S.
- "A Chinese consumer purchases a television produced in China"
Import: The television was mae in china. Even if the label process was made in the U.S., the company who sold and packed it should have imported to do so
- "A farmer in Iowa sells corn to a food processing plant in China"
Export: the porduction of the goods was made in the home country, however, the comercialization of it is being made in other countries. the porduction outcome should be sent to these countries in order to be sold.
- "ConocoPhillips drills for oil in the United States and sells this oil to refineries in Brazil and Mexico".
Export: This good is being sold to foreign countries, therefore it should be exported in order to be sold.