The Jacobins wanted big changes in government
The Jacobins advocated for execution of King Louis XVI
The Conservatives wanted fewer govemment changes
The Conservatives advocated against execution of King Louis XVI
Step-by-step explanation:
Robespierre said: "Louis must die in order for the republic to live." Part of the Girondists (that is, conservative part of revolutionary movement) tried to give the fate of the king to the decision of the people. But the Jacobins did not allow this to be done and decided his fate by a simple vote. Most condemned the king to the death penalty.
The Jacobins resorted to the organization of solid power throughout the country. Actually, the situation arose against which the Girondists warned. In July 1793, the Convention passed a decree on the complete and free destruction of feudal rights. Anyone who owned documents on collecting of peasant taxes or labor-rents, had to destroy these documents within three months. Concealment of such documents or their copies was punishable by five years of hard labor. Peasants became owners of the land.