ANSWER: A member of the Society of Friends - Quaker
Someone who would rather die than give up his or her belief - Martyr
A religious community who were victims of intolerance in Europe and came to America seeking religious freedom - Puritans
They had rigid beliefs and were intolerant of other religions and cultures - Tenet
Phrase Roger Williams coined meaning, people should have the freedom to choose their own religion - Freedom of Conscience
A basic idea or fundamental concept the belief that God gives the king his right to govern - Divine Right of Kings
The idea that the government should not have a say in what you believe religiously - Separation of Church and State
A piece of property - Chattel
Step-by-step explanation: Quakers were recognized as the followers of a religious movement initiated by George Fox.
A martyr is a person who is ready to pay the cost of his belief with his life.
Puritans were those who had to dissociate themselves from the major sects of Christianity and flee to America.
Tenets believed all other religions and sects were inferior.
Freedom of conscience means freedom of deciding which religion to follow or not to follow.
Divine Right of Kings was the one that the Church bestowed upon the kings.
Separation of Church and State was to stop each other from interfering into each others matters.
Chattel is a possession that one owns.