Magnetism is a force that emerges when magnets meet each other, creating a field around them. This force is generated by the attraction of electrical charges.
Essentially, almost all substances on Earth are made up of atoms, and because of this, they also carry with them charges of energy on them. This charge arises from a particular element in atoms called the electrons, whose charges, as they move, will further generate electrical currents. Thus, it can be said that all elements constituted by atoms, will have some form of electrical current.
A magnetic field is a force that originates when two magnetic elements, with the addition of a strongly magnetic substance, create a form of shield, or field, around them that is charged with magnetism.
Our very planet has magnetic fields, one to be precise, and it is formed under the same principles are explained before. This field surrounds the Earth and forms a sort of protective shield. Interestingly enough, the poles, or charged ends, of this field (north and south) are opposite to the actual geographic poles.
Given these explanations, then, the answers to your question would be: All of the choices in the list, except for the last one. Th SI unit of a magnetic field is NOT the Couloumb, but rather the Tesla.