The c# program for the scenario is given below.
using System;
public class Program2 {
double total = 0;
static void Main() {
Program2 ob = new Program2();
Console.WriteLine("Enter total energy used in kilo watts ");
int p;
p = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter type of customer ");
char t;
t = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
ob.bill_calculator(p, t);
Console.WriteLine("Total charge for " + p + " kilo watts electricity for " + t + " customers is " +;
public void bill_calculator(int e, char c)
int first=500, second = 800;
double chg_one = 0.12, chg_two=0.15, chg_three = 0.16, chg_four = 0.20;
if(c == 'R')
if(e <= 500)
total = (e * chg_one);
else if(e > 500)
total = ( first * chg_one);
total = total + ((e-first) * chg_two);
if(c == 'B')
if(e <= 800)
total = (e * chg_three);
else if(e > 800)
total = ( first * chg_three);
total = total + ((e-second) * chg_four);
Enter total energy used in kilo watts
Enter type of customer
Total charge for 1111 kilo watts electricity for B customers is 142.2
Step-by-step explanation:
The program takes user input for the type of customer and the amount of electric current used by that customer.
The two input values decide the rate at which total charge is calculated.
For residential customers, charges are divided into slabs of 500 or less and more than 500.
Alternatively, for business customers, charges are divided into slabs of 800 or less and more than 800.
User input is taken in main function.
Charges are calculated in the bill_calculator method which takes both user input as parameters.
If else block is used to calculate the charges.
No input validation is implemented as it is not mentioned in the question.
All code is written inside the class. An object is created of the class.
The methods outside main() are called using the object of the class.