Step-by-step explanation:
1. Dar un regalo -- regalar
To give a gift -- to give
REGALAR is the verb in Spanish language that belongs to the first group of verbs, as it ends in AR. It's a regular verb. Regalo, is the noun that comes from this verb and it means a gift.
It can also have the meaning of '' to give away '' or '' to spoil oneself ''.
I'm going to provide a few examples:
Me regalé zapatos caros.
I indulged myself with expensive shoes.
Le regalé un montón de ropa vieja a la caridad.
I gave away a bunch of old clothes to the charity.
2. Una comida fría y dulce -- helado
Cold and sweet food -- ice-cream
Helado means ice-cream and it is a masculine noun is Spanish language.
It comes from the verb HELAR, which means to freeze.
Helado is also referred to something that's very cold, other than ice-cream.
I'm going to give an example:
Este helado es delicioso.
This ice-cream is delicious.
3. Dos personas enamoradas -- pareja
Two persons in love -- a couple
Pareja is a Spanish word that means a couple and partner.
It is a feminine noun.
I'm going to write down examples:
Él es mi pareja hasta el fin de la vida.
He is my partner until the end of life.
4. Una persona que va a un fiesta -- invitado
A person going to the party -- invited one
Invitado is a Spanish word for a guest or an invited person.
It is both a feminine and masculine noun.
It comes from the verb INVITAR, which means to invite.
An example:
Ella no está en la lista de invitados.
She is not on the guest list.
5. Estar juntos para siempre -- casarse
Being together forever -- to get married
Casarse is a reflexive verb -- it contains a verb plus SE which stands for '' oneself '' .
It belongs to the first group of verbs, ending in AR.
It is a regular verb. It means -- to marry or to get married.
I'm going to provide a few examples:
Se casó con su amiga mejora.
He married her best friend.
Se van a casar en dos horas.
They are getting married in two hours.
6. Divertirse -- pasarlo bien
To have fun -- to have a good time
This is also an example of the reflexive verb as it goes with SE.
It is a verb that belongs to the third group of verbs, as it has IR ending. It is an irregular verb and it has the meaning of to have fun.
On the other hand, pasarlo bien is a intransitive verb phrase, it is a verb that expresses an activity that is doable ( similar verbs: go, arrive, sit etc.) and it doesn't have a direct object in the action that's occurring.
I'm going to provide an example:
La pasaron muy bien en la cena.
They had a great time at the dinner.
7. Cuando la persona no sabe lo que va a pasar -- sorpresa
When a person doesn't know what's going to happen -- surprise
Sorpresa is a feminine noun in Spanish language and it means a surprise.
It comes from the verb sorprender, which means to surprise.
It is a verb that belongs to the second group of verbs as it ends in ER.
It is a regular verb.
Shh! Es una fiesta sorpresa!
Shh! It is a surprise party!
8. La relación entre dos personas que se llevan bien -- amistad
The relationship between two person that's doing well -- friendship
Amistad is a feminine noun and it represents friendship.
Tu amistad es muy importante para mi.
Your friendship is very important to me.
La amistad es la relación más especial.
Friendship is the most special relationship.
9. Ayer Marta le ____ un reloj a Pablo.
Ayer Marta le regaló un reloj a Pablo.
Yesterday, Marta gave a watch to Pablo.
10. En el verano, a todos les gusta comer ____.
En el verano, a todos les gusta comer helado.
Everybody likes to eat ice-cream in Summer.
11. Después de ser _____ por un año, Juana y Armando decidieron comprometerse.
Después de ser novios por un año, Juana y Armando decidieron comprometerse.
After being a boyfriend and girlfriend for a year, Juana and Armando decided to get engaged.
12. ¿A qué hora van a llegar los _____ a la fiesta del sábado?
A que hora van a llegar los invitados a la fiesta del sábado?
At what time will arrive the guests to the party at Saturday?
13. Pablo y María se comprometieron antes de _______.
Pablo y Maria se comprometieron antes de casarse.
Pablo and Maria got engaged before getting married.
14. Mi sobrina y yo tenemos una buena _______ , somos muy buenas amigas.
Mi sobrina y yo tenemos una buena amistad, somos muy buenas amigas.
My cousin and I have a great friendship, we are very good friends.
15. Gabriela no sabe que le vamos a dar una fiesta ______ para su cumpleaños.
Gabriela no sabe que la vamos a dar una fiesta sorpresa para su cumple.
Gabriela doesn't know that we are going to give her a surprise party for her birthday.
16. Nosotros lo ____ de vacaciones en Miami.
Nosotros lo pasamos bien de vacaciones en Miami.
We had a great time at the vacation in Miami.