5 votes
Write a program that asks the user to enter a student's name and 8 numeric tests scores (out of 100 for each test). The name will be a local variable. The program should display a letter grade for each score, and the average test score, along with the student's name. Write the following functions in the program: calc_average - this function should accept 8 test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores. determine_grade - this function should accept a test score average as an argument and return a letter grade for the score based on the following grading scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D Below 60 F

User Jeni
6.8k points

1 Answer

2 votes


// program in Python

# function to find grade

def grade(t_score):

#grade A

if t_score >=90:

return 'A'

#grade B

elif t_score >=80 and t_score <90:

return 'B'

#grade C

elif t_score >=70 and t_score <80:

return 'C'

#grade D

elif t_score >=60 and t_score <70:

return 'D'

#grade F


return 'F'

# function to find average score

def calc_average(test_score):

#variable to find sum

total = 0

for i in range(len(test_score)):

#calculate total score

total = total + test_score[i]

# find average

return total/float(len(test_score))

#array to store score

test_score = []

#read name of student

name = input("Enter student's name: ")

for i in range(8):

#read score

t_score = int(input("Enter the score {}: ".format(i+1)))

#add score to array


#call function to find Average

averageScore = calc_average(test_score)

#print name of Student

print("Student Name: ", name)

#print each Score

for i in range(len(test_score)):

#print each Score and Grade

print("Score: ",test_score[i], "Letter Grade: ",grade(test_score[i]))

# print Average Score

print("Average Score: ", averageScore)

Step-by-step explanation:

Read name of student from user.Then read 8 test scores from user. Call the function grade() to find the grade of a test score.Call the function calc_average() to find the average score of all test.Print each score and corresponding grade and print average score.


Enter student's name: Sam

Enter the score 1: 45

Enter the score 2: 98

Enter the score 3: 67

Enter the score 4: 86

Enter the score 5: 60

Enter the score 6: 77

Enter the score 7: 92

Enter the score 8: 32

Student Name: Sam

Score: 45 Letter Grade: F

Score: 98 Letter Grade: A

Score: 67 Letter Grade: D

Score: 86 Letter Grade: B

Score: 60 Letter Grade: D

Score: 77 Letter Grade: C

Score: 92 Letter Grade: A

Score: 32 Letter Grade: F

Average Score: 69.625

User Lalit Sharma
6.6k points