Step-by-step explanation:
What was the name of the anarchist who went to Homestead to assassinate the plant manager?
His name was Alexander Berkman
1 Which side wanted to provoke a strike?
The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers wanted to provoke a strike, they were in the midst of renegotiating the contract. The union wanted to keep wages tied to production: The more metal they put on the floor, the more they earned.
Answer 2 How many workers were at the Homestead plant?
There were more than 5,000 men at the plant.
Answer 3 Who was the wealthiest man in the world in 1892?
Andrew Carnegie was the walthiest man in the world in 1892
Answer 4 What was Carnegie's manner of dealing with employees?
Although Carnegie was on favour of the the Unions, on this matter he agreed Frick's plan to break the union and reorganize the whole affair.
Answer 5 How many troops did the Governor send in to make sure Carnegie won and not the workers?
The Governor sent around 8,500 troops of State Militia
Answer 6 The name of the company which provided strikebreakers was what?
It was The Pinkerton Agency
Answer 7 What did Frick use to make sure many strikers would not get their jobs back at the mill?
Frick use a blacklist to make sure many strikers would not get their jobs back
Answer 8 What was the name of the river the Homestead plant was on?
The plant was located near Monongahela River at Homestead, Pennsylvania
Answer 9 Which Local of the United Steelworkers supported and helped with this video?
United Steelworkers local number 5890 supported and helped with the video
What is the word the narrator uses to describe the strikebreaking workers who came in to work while a strike was going on?
The narrator uses the word "scabs"
How many Homestead residents showed up to stop the Pinkertons from seizing control of the dock and the steel mill?
Around 10,000 residents from Homestead showed up to stop the Pinkertons.
Answer 12 The Union Leader of the strike was named what?
His name was Hugh O'Donnell
13 The singer of the song at the end wants a job where he can do what?
The singer of the song at the end wants a job where he can taste beer
14 Frick's preparation for a strike before workers ever declared a strike?
He had ordered the construction of a solid fence topped with barbed wire around the property. The workers dubbed the newly fortified mill "Fort Frick."
15 Before the strike could be declared what did Frick do?
He locked out the union of the rest of the plant.
16 The first person the credits give "special thanks" to is
Dr. Charles Lumpkins
17 Who was the plant manager who led the battle for the company?
His name was Henry Clay Frick