Craik and Lockhart would say that Abraham must ahve used the deep -or semantic- level of processing while encoding the event.
Step-by-step explanation:
In 1972, Fergus I. M. Craik and Robert S. Lockhart identified the levels-of-processing effect that makes reference to the memory recall of stimuli in terms of the depth of a mental process.
There are two main levels of processing: shallow processing, which has to do with fragile memory, and deep processing, that involves a more durable memory trace.
Deep processing can occur when the person relates the object or situation to something else, when the meaning of something is thought of or when the person processes the importance of the object or situation. At the same time, deep processing can retain memories by repeting information, by analyzing it in a deeper way or by making distinctions between the items involved. All these elements would be present in Abraham's case.