1. Sick Building Syndrome was first introduced as a concept, and even in Germany it is now a field of study, in the 1980´s. This condition relates to a series of signs and symptoms that a group of people develop in connection to a specific building, most commonly a workplace, where they come in contact with unknown agents, or factors. Because the exact cause of the situation is not known, but it generally affects not just an individual, but an entire group, it is a driving cause for absenteeism and non-productive work, and answers to how it is produced, what produces it, and how to eliminate the causes, is a real issue.
2. There have been a lot of controversies around the idea of this condition, especially the fact that most medical professionals do not accept the idea because there hasn´t been a simple cause to explain it found. Also, it is highly impossible to determine the origin of the situation and thus revert the effects. All that is known about this is that it seems to be a sort of pandemic, where several signs and symptoms develop, but it is not possible to determine what, where, when, or why, such a thing happened. Finally, there is also the fact that some specialists insist that the origin of the condition might not be necessarily something in a building, but there might be a psychological issue that is affecting more than one person at a time.