The question is not complete, attached to this answer is the relevant part of the passage that accompanies this question.
The correct answer is:
he had all of the advantages and privileges of wealth (E)
Step-by-step explanation:
The word stereotype can be defined as ' an overgeneralized notion held concerning a particular set of people. This definition, and the statement from the passage '...he was born in Boston, and was raised with every advantage, some might call his grand Bacon Hill boyhood home showy, to the point if being ostentatious. Adams could be described by the stereotype of a "rich kid"- he certainly embodied all the general notions that people have of a privileged youth...' described Adams as being a person from an affluent home because what his background was typical of people's notion on a youth growing up with all the privileges of the wealthy, hence, his description fits the stereotype of a "rich kid"