Tehcnology is good for us, but with some exceptions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Basing our opinion just in the little excerpt that we have, this exercise is challenging us to analyse and draw our own conclusions because we only have a list of things that could be considered as technological devices. At this respect, we can say that of course technology is helping us a lot to do many things, for example, in health’s area technology have become essential due to the progress that it represents at the moment of helping sick people or even to revive who has been in problem. But, if we attend the specific question IS TECHNOLOGY GOOD OR BAD FOR HUMAN RELATIONSHIP? We, of course, can say that it is GOOD! But, of course, it has to been used with caution and a lot of measures; all of us have at least one time seen a person that seems absent in a conversation because of he or she is always attending to his/her phone; this, for example, is a prove that tells us that technology is not totally beneficial to humans; in fact, we have to always remember that all the devices that we can have thanks to technological development are made to serve us and that we don’t serve to them; thus it is not important if we don’t have the most recent model of the most expensive cell phone, while we can communicate and stay in touch with our relatives it should be enough for us. We think that the answer depends on the person; it will be some that use responsively the technology and it will be some other than cannot do it, so the answer is not a generalization, but is a reflexion about how technology has changed our entire life!