Step-by-step explanation:
First of all, we need to talk about why this environmental problems are on the rise day by day. In Mesozoic Era there were some animals that we now well nowadays "The Dinossaurs". There were so many species about this, and there were living together, with a synergy of food, interaction and occupation of spaces between them. But, for one reason, the temperature, the weather have changed, the foods were running out and they began to disappear until they reached extinction. Global warming is a natural thing that occurs in nature, but there weren't techologies in that time.
The Global warming always exixted in our Planet, but, for sure, on proportional scales. After milion times, the human beings appear and started to grow in a fast way. Then we had the Industrial Revolution, that turned on and accelerated the development machine and consequently, more emissions of pollutant gases into the environment and in our planet. Parallel to that, many animals disappeared and were extinct. The emission about these polluentes was one of the reasons about this happening. Together with the Industrial Revolutionary, it comes an increase about social and enviromental problems.
Consequently about that, the temperatures increased, some animals migrated from one region to another and the temperature about the oceans increased too. This rise about it contributed to global climate chage, marine primary productivity and marine animal migration. Some animals in the ocean, rivers and lakes are disappearing over the years and this event contributes to this changes mentioned above.
But in these days, the human beings is trying to develop technologies that can alleviate this gas emissions, this pollution and so alleviate these environmental impacts in our whole Earth Planet. But the human beings can destroy this planet in a fast way, like Wars, fights inside each contries, cities.
Through war, new weapons and technologies are developed to improve combat. However, the consequence of this is the acceleration to the destruction of nature, buildings, deaths of people and thus mainly affecting the climate of the planet. Therefore, this development promotes an increased destruction of our planet.
The human beings have all the knowloedge and techology to develop a new system whereby we use techology to develop a better balance with nature, but what need to happen is the human beings must stop thinking only in mone, achievements and power and think more about your life on this planet and how long it will take.