The correct answer is b. affirmed the case.
Step-by-step explanation:
Verdict is the denomination, used in procedural law, to designate the decision taken by a Jury, although sometimes its use is made more flexible to cover all types of popular decisions that are formed by majority.
The verdict may have different contents, depending on the specific legal system, but most commonly, a popular jury decides on the facts of a specific case, deciding whether or not the parties' allegations have been proven.
The next step is for the judge to pass sentence, in which he includes those proven facts, qualifies or typifies them within the law and leads to a mandatory conclusion. For example, in criminal law, it is common for the verdict to be limited to guilty, not guilty or innocent, and it is the judge who decides, if guilty, the penalty that must be imposed.
However, in some states, and specifically in civil cases, the verdict includes such technical aspects as legal qualification and compensation to be imposed.