The correct answer to the question: Which statement describes the action performed by the nurse and the staff memebers? Would be: This patient has been submitted to what is known as False imprisonment.
Step-by-step explanation:
Although legally staff who work at psychiatric units and wards have some freedom as to the decisions they need to make in order to manage psychiatric patients, this does not mean that they are allowed to do whatever they please.
In this case, both the nurse and her staff gravely violated the rights of that patient and were completely unprofessional and unethical. The patient was not doing anything that would justify being isolated and secluded, aside from being noisy and bothersome for it. Seclusion can only be taken as a measure when a patient becomes violent, aggressive and threatens either himself or others. Which was not the case for this patient. So, what these nursing staff members did is called false imprisonment. They literally imprisoned a patient who did not require isolation, or seclusion.