The correct answres are:
- Marcos nunca se despierta temprano, pero siempre llega puntual a clase.
- Lisa y Katarina no se acuestan temprano sino muy tarde.
- Alfonso es inteligente, pero algunas veces es antipático.
- Los directores de la escuela no son ecuatorianos sino peruanos.
- No nos acordamos de comprar champú, pero compramos jabón.
- Emilia no es estudiante sino profesora.
- No quiero levantarme, pero tengo que ir a clase.
- Miguel no se afeita por la mañana sino por la noche.
Step-by-step explanation:
'Pero' is used to clarify an idea in opposition. It means that the proposed statement is not entirely true.
'Sino' is used when the proposed statement is not true.
- Marcos never wakes up early, but always arrives on time to class.
- Lisa and Katarina do not go to bed early but too late.
- Alfonso is intelligent, but sometimes he is unfriendly.
- The directors of the school are not Ecuadorians but Peruvians.
- We don't remember to buy shampoo, but we buy soap.
- Emilia is not a student but a teacher.
- I don't want to get up, but I have to go to class.
- Miguel does not shave in the morning but at night.