1. Cierto.
2. Falso.
3. Cierto.
4. Falso.
5. Falso.
6. Cierto.
7. Cierto.
8. Cierto.
Step-by-step explanation:
All these sentences are statements and you have to say If they are true or false.
For example:
1. True because he thinks that for his son, Clara and him they are the most important thing in his life.
2. False because Clara and Arcadio do not visit the capital city every Friday.
3. True because Pedro calls his parents to tell them he will visit them.
4. False because Arcadio deides to cut the tree because It is too old.
5. False because Arcadio worries about the tree because his neighbour said to him that he had chosen a bad time to prune the tree.
6. True because Pedro's parents do not know very much about him.
7. True because the foreman thinks that Arcadio should not do such a heavy job for his age.
8. True because Clara feels very bad when her son says to her that he won't come.