The correct answer is: Ottoman architecture used the open floor technique originally used in the Byzantine church of Santa Sophia in designing mosques such as the one at Edirne.
Step-by-step explanation:
Ottoman architecture was most influenced by the Middle East architectural styles. It emerged with the Ottoman Empire around the 14th-century, first in Iznik, and then in the two capitals of Bursa and Edirne to finally developed in Istambul. Sinan (1490-1588) was the most talented and renowned Ottoman architect. The Selimiye Mosque at Edirne, is one of his most celebrated creations. Ottoman architects were inspired by several types of architectural styles, like the Byzantine, Islamic and Iranian, but they adapted, modified and created their own complex and beautiful buildings. The open floor technique used in Selimye to display vast open spaces indoors, for example, was taken from the Byzantine church of Santa Sophia.