Unit 4 Text question
What are the three tiers of the U.S. Court System?
What are three historic landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court? Please name each case and briefly state the topic it dealt with.
What is the difference between civil cases and criminal cases?
State court systems are usually divided into which four tiers?
In cases involving a jury, what is the difference between the role of the judge and the role of the jury?
Critical Thinking Questions
Supreme Court justices are not elected but rather appointed by the president. Why do you think after a new justice is appointed, they must then go through a lengthy process to be confirmed by Congress? Why is the president’s appointment not enough?
Death penalty cases are automatically able to be appealed. Why do you think this is so?
Some states no longer allow the death penalty. Why do you think the death penalty should be allowed or not be allowed? Should there be exceptions to the rule?
Why do you think each state has its own constitution or governing document rather than simply following the rules outlined in the U.S. Constitution?
Why might a defendant choose to waive their right to a jury trial?