6. Andrés se despierta a las seis y media de la mañana. (1)
11. Se ducha antes de vestirse. (2)
9. Se viste y entonces se cepilla los dientes. (3)
1. Se afeita después de cepillarse los dientes. (4)
4. Después de afeitarse, sale para las clases. (5)
5. Asiste a todas sus clases y vuelve a su casa. (6)
7. Después de volver a casa, come un poco. (7)
8. Luego estudia en su habitación. (8)
10. Se cepilla los dientes antes de acostarse. (9)
2. Se acuesta a las once y media de la noche. (10)
3. Por último, se duerme. (11)
Step-by-step explanation:
In this activity we have to put the actions in the correct order. Here we have Andres´s daily routine, so we have to organize the actions in chronological order. The sentences in English in chronological order are:
1. Andrés wakes up at six thirty in the morning.
11. He takes a shower before getting dressed
9. He gets dressed and then he brushes his teeth
1. He shaves after brushing his teeth
4. After shaving, he goes out to his classes
5. He goes to all his classes and goes back home
7. After going back home, he eats something
8. Then, he studies in his room
10. He brushes his teeth before going to bed
2. He goes to bed at eleven thirty at night
3. And finally he falls asleep