The Cherokee attempted to model their society on the United States so that the United States would allow them to remain on their land.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Cherokee Indians were the North American Indigenous people, originally from the Great Lakes region, they eventually settled in the east coast.
Many Europeans like the Scots and the British had established trade relationship with this community. The Cherokees even supported the British soldiers, by assisting them during the American Revolution. Around the 1800's the Cherokee Indians began to adopt the British culture, they began to dress as Europeans, they also adopted their farming and building methods. It was U. S. President George Washington sought to "civilize" the southeastern American Indians, through programs overseen by US Indian Agent Benjamin Hawkins.
1. Due to the destruction of many Indian towns during the American Revolutionary War, U. S. land agents convinced many Native Americans to settle on isolated farmsteads.
2. They introduced the pig and cattle raising which became the principal sources of meat.
3. The tribes were supplied with spinning wheels and cotton - seed, and men were taught to fence and plow the land.
4. Women were instructed in weaving.
5. Eventually, blacksmiths, gristmills and cotton plantations were established.
6. The Cherokee leaders - 'Cherokee Triumvirate' advocated acculturation of the people. They advocated formal education of the young, and the introduction of modern farming methods.
7. In 1801 they invited Moravian (German) missionaries to their territory from North Carolina to teach Christianity and the 'arts of civilized life'.
Before 1794, the Cherokee had no national government. The people dwelled in "towns". Various leaders were periodically appointed to represent the tribes to French, British and, later, American authorities as was needed.
By 1822, the Cherokee Supreme Court was founded. Adopted a written constitution in 1827, created a government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
Cherokee Phoenix became the first American Indian - language newspaper, published in 1828.
The Cherokees today lived in the State of Oklahoma and in North Carolina.