1. Hace cuatro años que nos conocimos.
2. No, creo que se besaron en la segunda.
3. Nos llevamos mal solo el último año.
4. Sí, se saludan con un abrazo y también con un beso.
5. Creo que se miraban con mucho amor.
6. Sólo nos ayudamos para el examen.
7. Creo que se hablan todas las noches.
8. Cada día nos queremos más.
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise you have to choose the best option according to the questions:
For example:
1. Have you been friends for a long time?
-We met four years ago.
2. Do you think they kissed in their first date?
-No I think they kissed in the second date.
3. Did you have a good relationship?
-We get along just last year.
4. Does they greet each other with a hug?
-Yes, they greet each other with a hug and also with a kiss.
5. Did they look like friends or like something else?
-I think that they look at each other with a lot of love.
6. Did you help each other with the Frech homework?
-We only help each other for the exam.
7. How often do they talk?
-I think they talk every night.
8. Do you love each other more than some year ago?
-Every day we love each other even more than some years ago.