This refers to the message of Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 against the intervention of European powers in the Latin American nations.
Step-by-step explanation:
Theodore Roosevelt in his annual messages to congress after the Venezuela crisis of 1902 - 03, expanded the Monroe Doctrine. The Corollary of Roosevelt stated that the United States will interfere in the conflicts between the European countries and Latin American countries. It had the responsibility to preserve order and protect life and property in Latin America.
While the Monroe Doctrine had sought to prevent European intervention, the Roosevelt Corollary was used to justify U.S intervention throughout the hemisphere.
The occasion of American intervention occurred when the European powers used force to pressure several Latin American countries to repay their debts. British, German, and Italian gunboats blockaded Venezuelan ports in 1902 for several months after the Venezuelan President Cipriano Castro refused to pay foreign debts. International court of arbitration concluded that the blockading powers were entitled to preferential treatment in the payment of their claims.
Roosevelt feared that the European nations will take advantage of the weakness of Latin American countries and asserted the right of the United States to interfere in order to "stabilize" the economic affairs of the Latin American nations if they were unable to pay the international debts. United States justified in exercising "international police power" to keep the European powers ashore. It indirectly signified the use of military force in Latin American countries to keep the European countries out.
The result was the establishment of "State Department Troops" in Latin America and frequent intervention in the affairs of the Latin American countries to protect State Department interests. Latin American nations were influenced or dominated by American economic policies and/or commercial interests to the point of coercion. It became an imperative part of American imperialism.