I was sitting in my chair at school, the seconds felt like muinutes when i was waiting for the bell to ring so i could get home and finally see my new dog! I have been waiting for this dog for so long and everybody in my house (my mom, my dad, my brother, ect) exept me. and i had been waiting 2 months for it, and finally the bell rang and i was on my way home! I usally walk home but today my granny came and got me so we could go pick up my nephew's because they havent seen it eather. So finally, she got there and picked me up, then she got my nephew's, and we were on the way home. When we were on the way home i kept asking about the dog. " what does it look like! Are we gonna keep it!" are just some of the things i was asking. Finally we got home and i ran inside to see my new dog! It was so pretty! it had one blue eye and one brown eye, it was medium sized and fluffy, and it loved me!