5. Twelve thousand, three hundred forty-five can be written as 12,345.
6. Fifty-three million, eighty-nine thousand, seven hundred two can be written as 53,089,702.
7. Two hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty can be written as 256,780.
8. Eighty-five thousand, nine can be written as 85,009.
9. Two hundred thirty-eight thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven miles can be written as 238,857.
According to the place value chart:
Millions Hundred Th. Ten Th Thousands hundreds Tens Ones
1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1
We can write any number with the help of place value chart:
For example:
8 thousand, seven hundred seventy-five.
8,000+700+75 = 8,775
Now consider the provided information.
5. Twelve thousand, three hundred forty-five
This can be written as:
12,000+300+45 = 12,345
Twelve thousand, three hundred forty-five can be written as 12,345.
6. Fifty-three million, eighty-nine thousand, seven hundred two
This can be written as:
53,000,000+89,000+700+2 = 53,089,702
Fifty-three million, eighty-nine thousand, seven hundred two can be written as 53,089,702.
7. Two hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty
This can be written as:
256,000+780 = 256,780
Two hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty can be written as 256,780.
8. Eighty-five thousand, nine
This can be written as:
85,000+9 = 85,009
Eighty-five thousand, nine can be written as 85,009.
9. Two hundred thirty-eight thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven miles
This can be written as:
238,000+800+57 = 238,857
Two hundred thirty-eight thousand, eight hundred fifty-seven miles can be written as 238,857.