4/3 sugar per ounce or decimal 1.333333333333....
Simplify the following:
14/(10 + 1/2)
Put 10 + 1/2 over the common denominator 2. 10 + 1/2 = (2×10)/2 + 1/2:
14/((2×10)/2 + 1/2)
2×10 = 20:
14/(20/2 + 1/2)
20/2 + 1/2 = (20 + 1)/2:
14/((20 + 1)/2)
20 + 1 = 21:
Multiply the numerator of 14/(21/2) by the reciprocal of the denominator. 14/(21/2) = (14×2)/21:
The gcd of 14 and 21 is 7, so (14×2)/21 = ((7×2) 2)/(7×3) = 7/7×(2×2)/3 = (2×2)/3:
2×2 = 4:
Answer: 4/3