this stage of the writing process involve gathering and selecting ideas; teachers can help students in several ways: creating lists, researching, brainstorming,reading to discover more about the author's style, talking, collecting memorabilia or clips from other texts, and free-writing
Drafting: in this stage, students begin writing, connecting, and developing ideas
Revising: this is the stage of writing that involves rewriting or "re-seeing;" emphasis is place on examining sentence structure, word choice, voice, and organization of the piece
Editing: this stage involves checking for style and conventions--spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation
Publishing: the "going public" stage of writing. Evaluating: in this stage, the writer looks back at his/her work and self-evaluates, and the audience evaluates the effectiveness of the writing
writing activities :personal writing, workplace writing, subject writing, creative writing, persuasive writing, and scholarly writingpeer review: acting a referee; evaluating a colleague's work professionally