Let A and B be the events
A = the dog check alarm is triggered
B= the x-ray alarm is triggered
As guests who trigger a dog alarm also trigger an x-ray alarm with probability 1/10, we have P(A∩B) = 0.1 .
The dog alarm can only be triggered by a guest, so we want to find P(A|B) , the probability that a guest triggers the dog alarm given that she triggered the x-ray alarm.
So we only need to find P(B) to find P(A|B) out.
Since 16% of people (tourists) in line are filtered out before reaching the dog alarm, only 84% of people (guests) reach the dog alarm. That is to say, 16% of 84% = 13.44% of people in line reach the dog alarm.
Since the dog check results in an alarm for 20% of the people in line, 20% of 13.44% = 2.688% of people in line (guests) trigger the dog alarm, so
P(A) = 0.02688.
Since guests who do not trigger the dog alarm trigger an X-ray alarm with probability 1/16, we have P(B|
) = 0.0625.
We have then the following:
are disjoints sets whose union is B, so
and finally