1. Unas son redondas (round), otras ovaladas (oval), unas piensan mucho, otras casi nada. La cabeza
2. Uno larguito, dos más bajitos, otro chico (small) y flaco (skinny), y otro gordazo (fat). Los dedos
3. Como la piedra (rock) son duros (hard), para el perro un buen manjar (delicacy) y sin ellos no podrías (you couldn’t) ni saltar (to jump) ni caminar. Los huesos
4. Juntos vienen, juntos van, uno va delante, otro va atrás (behind). Los pies
Step-by-step explanation:
These are riddles related to body parts. In this activity we have to guess which part of the body corresponds to each riddle. The riddles in English with the answers are:
1. Some are round, others are oval, some think a lot, others barely do.
The Head
2. One is long, two are shorter, another is small and skinny, and the other is fat.
The fingers
3. As a rock, they are hard, for dogs a fine delicacy, and without them you couldn't jump or walk.
The bones
4. Together they come, together they go, one in front, the other behind.
The feet