To estimate the number of visitors at the Fort Worth Zoo per day, we rounded the total weekly visitors to 6,200 and divided by 7. An estimated average daily attendance is about 880 visitors.
To estimate the number of people attending the Fort Worth Zoo on one day last week, we can divide the total number of visitors by the number of days the zoo is open.
We have a total of 6,195 visitors and the zoo is open 7 days a week. Since we are using compatible numbers, we can round 6,195 to the nearest hundred to get 6,200.
Now, we divide 6,200 by 7.
It can be tricky to divide by 7, so let's simplify. We know that 7 times 900 is 6,300, which is slightly more than 6,200.
Thus, we can estimate a bit lower. 7 times 800 is 5,600, which is too low, so we need a number between 800 and 900.
If we try 7 times 850, we get 5,950, which is still low but much closer.
Therefore, an estimate between 850 and 900 for the average daily attendance would be reasonable.
To be more precise, let's pick 880 as a compatible number which when multiplied by 7 gives us 6,160, very close to our rounded number of 6,200.
Hence, approximately 880 visitors attended the zoo each day last week.