The correct answer is True.
Step-by-step explanation:
A hostile work environment is one in which an employee does not feel comfortable performing their tasks due to the actions of their peers or employer. In extremely hostile environments, the employee may feel uncomfortable even when he arrives at work facilities.
For a hostile work environment is given the existence of harassment in the workplace, an offensive, intimidating, oppressive atmosphere and unfounded fears by a stalker who can be a supervisor or worker.
Let me quote the definition of based on The Balance, who give context to the hostile work environment in the following terms:
“A workplace where inappropriate comments or behavior based on gender discrimination, sexual tendency, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, among other legally defined characteristics, significantly undermine the work performance of a worker or create an intimidating work environment or offensive to an employee ”
We can summarize the definition of the term hostile work environment as a work environment that is consequently intimidating or offensive to a worker.