1. The correct answer is: B) physical geography
2. The correct answer is:C) migration, warfare, and trade cause more interaction among the people
Step-by-step explanation:
1. While there are many factors that influence the distribution of population, the most powerful factor is the physical geography of a land. Hence, we find less people in hilly mountainous regions and more people on planes and near rivers and sea.
This is because planes and rivers provide a perfect geography for farming, agriculture, leading to an abundance of food and crops.
2. Cultural diffusion takes place when there is regular interaction between people from different communities and a chance to learn from one another.
This can be through migration, warfare or even trade, which might bring two nations closer together. A big example can be seen between the United States and Mexico. Due to the large border, trade and migration, the US has a well developed Hispanic culture and is a great example of cultural diffusion.