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Given the status of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles as authoritative texts in the culture surrounding early believers in Islam, how does the Koran respond to these already canonized books?

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The Torah (the Pentateuch of Christians), the Books of Solomon, and the Gospels (the New Testament) are also accepted as sacred books, but, according to the Muslim belief, the Hebrew and Christian Bibles have misinterpretations due to translations.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Koran, or Quran, is the holy book of Islam, which according to Muslims is the word of God revealed to Muhammad, who is considered to have received these revelations through the archangel Gabriel. The Koran mentions many characters that appear in the sacred books of Judaism and Christianity (Tanakh and Bible) and in devout literature (for example, apocryphal books), with many differences in detail. Well-known people from the Hebrew and Christian world such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus of Nazareth, John the Baptist are mentioned as Islamic prophets and it gives special importance to the Virgin Mary. According to Islamic belief, the final message of the three religions is considered to be the same (monotheism), but due to constant translations, the Hebrew and Christian Bible present some flaws.

The episodes are the same with differences of detail, some less transcendent than others, and the fragments are scattered among the surahs. It tells details of the episodes about the creation of the man given the name of Adam in the Garden, the disobedience of the angel Iblis before the command of God Allah to prostrate himself before Adam, and how God calls Iblis Demon (Shaytan); the expulsion from the Garden; a mention, indirectly, to Cain and Abel; Noah (Nuh), the ark (the ship) and the flood with the destruction of Noah's people and the death of one of his sons, as well as the condemnation of his wife for treason; the ark perches on the Chudi (the mountains of Ararat according to the Genesis of the Tanach); the fecundity of Abraham's wife, the birth of Isaac and the trial of God to Abraham (Ibrahim) asking him to sacrifice Isaac; the destruction of the people of Lot (Sodom) and the condemnation of his wife for treason; the stay of the Israelites in Egypt, the birth of Moses, their competition with the magicians of Pharaoh, the nine signs (the ten plagues according to the Tanach), the passage of the sea, the encounter of Moses with God when seeing a fire (in Angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush, according to the Tanach), the tables of the law, the calf (the golden calf); David, who kills Goliath, etc.

Already in comparison with the New Testament gospels of the Bible, the Quran narrates the birth of Mary as the daughter of "the woman of Imran" and her guardianship by the priest Zacharias, husband of Elizabeth; the announcement to Zacharias of the birth of his son John (the Baptist); the announcement to Mary of the birth of her son Jesus (Isa) and her pregnancy by the Spirit of God in mortal form finished to give her a pure boy; his retirement, the pains of childbirth and the birth of Isa / Jesus, who speaks in the cradle declaring himself mortal, servant, prophet and sent by God to the children of Israel, and even announces the next arrival of Ahmad (Muhammad, Muhammad) to who the Koran calls the "Seal of the prophets."

Another similarity is regarding the ancestry of Mary or Maryam, because in the Koran it is mentioned that she is the daughter of Imran and also the sister of Aaron, and although the gospels do not mention her as such they do so indirectly, as that of Luke, which describes to Mary as the relative of Isabel (Lk 1:36) and this one as a descendant of Aaron (Lc 1:15), and so also to Isabel's husband, Zacharias, as a priest of the group of Abías (Lc 1: 5), descendant of Aaron, being Aaron son of Amran (Imran) and high priest of the Levites, the descendants of Levi, the tribe consecrated by Yahweh (in the Tanach) to be their priests.

User Mjsxbo
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