We reject H₀ , we found enough evidence to support the claim
Sample size n = 1300
Sample proportion p = 45 % p = 0,45 and q = 0,55
Proportion of population p₀ = 42 % p₀ = 0,42
Hypothesis Test
Null Hypothesis H₀ p = 0,42
Alternative Hypothesis Hₐ P > 0,42
A one-tail test to the right is needed to evaluate the claim
Sample size big enough to consider binomial distribution can approximate to normal distribution
1300*p > 10 1300*q > 10
Significance level α = 0,02
z(c) fom z-table is z(c) = 2,05
To compute
z(s) = ( p - p₀ ) /√ (p*q)/n
z(s) = ( 0,45 - 0,42 ) /√ (0,45*0,55)1300
z(s) = 0,03 / 0,014
z(s) = 2,14
Comparing z(c) and z(s) z(s) > z(c) then z(s) s in the rejection region we must reject H₀ we found enough evidence to spport the claim