Human communication can be a rather tricky topic because of its complexities, but it is also a vital one. Communication is the means by which people are able to interact with each other and pass on information from one to the other. Communication is also vital because it builds relationships and community. In general, we can say that there are two ways to communicate, essentially: verbally and non-verbally. In verbal communication we use words, while in non-verbal we use gestures and other body mechanisms to communicate intentions and also ideas. Since the evolution of technology, communication also became a part of this, and in todays world, communication has evolved to become digitalized and virtual. Although this advance has brought on a lot of advantages, it has made evident that there is a need to return to what was once known as the face-to-face interaction. The reasons for this need are as follows:
1. Face-to-face interaction is important in communication because it permits people to use gestural and non-verbal cues to comprehend what another is saying, meaning and communicating. Virtuality, by taking that away, has sometimes complicated communication by enhancing miscommucation because we cannot see through gestural cues, what another person may be really trying to convey.
2. Face-to-face communication enhances effectivenes because it allows people to get together and share, both through verbal and non-verbal language, ideas that might not be as well conveyed through the virtual world. This can also boost teamwork as people in face-to-face meetings feels more connected, and closer, to the other people they are working with. It has also been shown that creativity becomes enhanced as people feel less limited in communicating when there is actual face-to-face contact.
3. Finally, but not least important, face-to-face communication permits the formation of relationships and human connections that are vital for correct communal development. Even in companies, face-to-face interaction enhances connections and increases the feelings of belonging to a team and of being part of something that in tangible, and not merely virtual.
These three are only some of the aspects that make face-to-face communication important.