Influences on perception include past experiences, education, values, culture, preconceived notions, and present circumstances. In the end, the perception you construct becomes your reality.
Step-by-step explanation:
The past experiences tend to develop a conditioning of how we respond to things present in the environment as information.
Our behavior is based on outcomes, and when a cirumstance ressembles a past event, we tend to interpet it and then act in terms of this. It can be said that sometimes then our behavior seems rathern mechanical or unconcious.
As I used to be younger, I tought that the private schools were better than public schools, and that the educational system was more or less a standard along any kind of schools.
Therefore as I began to take classes , I usually tought that teachers would act in a predeterminate way, and percieved things either positively or negatively according to past groups.
When I started to study fields from different campus and take courses in other universities, I soon noticed that some of my assumed beliefs were indeed wrong , and that there was always something unique and special into different educational settings.
Therefore It was impossible to act in the same way for any classroom, given the many variables involved.
Sometimes I even had just to observe instead of trying to interpret and understand based on previous notions when engagin in subjects like Arts, Science and Foreign languages.
Learning languages was perhaps the best way to notice that perpeption can change given different values and attituds , and this can be also done by learning.