I'll answer as many as I can.
2. The principal or authority in which a state and it's government are created by the consent of the people by elected representatives.
3. 1 presidential term is 4 years. 1 term for the North Carolina governor is 4 years.
5. The president nominates the judges and the Senate has to approve the judges.
6. chief of state, chief executive, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander in chief, chief legislator, party chief, and chief citizen.
7. House of representatives and the senate.
8. Executive, judicial, and legislative. Executive is the president and he can pass or veto laws. Judicial is judges and the courts and the make sure a law is constitutional. Legislative can make a bill a law if the president vetoes it. I suggest you watch the school house rock video about how a bill becomes a law. It explains the whole process.