1. Modified formulae for calculating tree height.
2. C++ program to calculate tree height.
using namespace std;
main ()
double treeHeight, shadowLenghth, angleElevation;
cout << "Please enter angle of elevation and shadow length" << endl;
cin >> angleElevation;
cin >> shadowLenghth;
//Modified formulae to calculate tree height.
treeHeight = tan (angleElevation) * shadowLenghth;
cout << "Height of tree is:" << treeHeight;
Please enter angle of elevation and shadow length
Height of tree is:19.4373
Step-by-step explanation:
Since no programming language is mentioned, so solution is provided using C++.
In the above C++ program, first angle of elevation and length of shadow provided by user will be stored in variables angleElevation and shadowLength.
Then using the modified formalue height of tree will be calculated and stored in variable treeHeight. Final result is displayed to user.