Answer: In addition to inspecting the fire extinguishers, brakes, steering, electrical wiring the exhaust system will be checked to make sure the system is clear and away from all combustible items. The fuel tanks and fuel lines will also be inspected for leaks.
Step-by-step explanation:
The vehicle is inspected for all of these things so that the ammo can not accidentally go off or be a fire hazard. Anyone who is in uniform that is going to be handling explosives will be trained in all areas including vehicle inspections. They will be taught in 3 areas of HAZMAT such as general awareness, safety, and function-specific for the drivers.
In addition to checking the vehicle, The vehicle must have a HAZMAT endorsement on their license. The vehicle must contain loads that are blocked and braced. The drivers of the vehicles should always a written ammunition plan. Also, there must clearly label placards placed on the vehicles on all four sides of vehicle.